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Dear Parents and Families:


Thank you for allowing your child to explore chemistry .

If you have any questions, email is the best way to contact me.

My email address is:


  • You may access the North Carolina Department of Public

Instruction K-12 Science - Chemistry page here. This site gives the 

NC Essential Standards that I will follow in this class, as well as 

reference materials and laboratory safety information. 


  • Please review, sign, and return the laboratory safety sheet that your child brought home.  This will allow him or her the opportunity to participate in hands-on classroom activities.  We will maintain and follow all safety protocols while participating in practicums and experiments.  These protocols include (but are not limited to):​​

    • Properly handling of glassware

    • Wiping up spills immediately

    • Observing rules for no horseplay or other unsafe movements

    • Knowing the Location of the fire extinguisher

    • Wearing of pre-cleaned safety googles ​


Class Rules and guidelines are posted below for your reference.

Class rules & guidelines

  • Before any action in this class, always ask yourself: Is it safe? Is it kind? Is it helpful? How will it affect others? 


  • Before any talking in this class, always ask yourself: Is it appropriate? Is it relevant to what we are discussing? Is it true? Is it helpful?


  • Please respect all materials belonging to the class, yourself, and others. Everything has a cost and someone has paid for it.


  • If we occasionally need reminders, we will discuss these guidelines as a class. 


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